Monday 30 May 2011


Hi everyone!
In English class, my classmates and I present many issues. I told them about "obesity and ways to avoid it”. I chose it, because in my view, obesity is an important disease in twenty one century which produces many diseases too, such hypercholesterolemia, and is connected with other chronic diseases, such diabetes. My main objective was identify the main risk factors, government policies in Chile, ways to aid obesity and ask ithe obesity is a disease that we can prevent  Obesity is suffered by different groups on population such children, young or elderly, women or men. My oral presentation was based in biography and on-line research and comparisons between the information obtained and finally I checked and erased some information because it was inconsistent, old and contradictory. In this investigation I identified he items proposed in my aims and I concluded, about governmental policies, that are more similar to advices than regulatory laws and that the obesity is multifactorial disease that affects several age groups and is easilyand cheaply preventable by all, it I proposed asking what are the population’s causes, however chooses the behavior that will promote early get overweight and obesity.
See you soon, guys!!

Monday 23 May 2011

Relation between different journal abstracts

Hi guys, today I write some differences between first and second link.

As you can see both abstracts are extracted from the same page, but their structures are slightly similar.

First abstract contains "design, methods, results, conclusion and keywords"Objective: Gives a short description of the article.Design: Explains how the information was obtained.Methods: Explains the research method.Results: Those review shows that the obesity is a disease wich can be prevent with healthy habits in schools.Conclusion: Present the author's conclusion.Keywords: childhood, prevention, review, adolescents

Second abstract contain "Research Methods and Procedures, Results, Discussion and Keywords"Research Methods and Procedures:  To identify obesity preventive programs.Results: Details the results, helping to understand the multiple factors of obesity.Discussion: Describes causes that positively and negatively influence in the use of obesity control and prevention methods.Keywords: Preschool, children, prevention, interventions, evaluation

In conclusion the main difference between the first and second abstract is the amount of factors considered in these and  the depth of second abstract.

Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review 
Interventions to Prevent or Treat Obesity in Preschool Children: A Review of Evaluated Programs

Monday 11 April 2011

The first time /*o*\

Hello future friends!! I must create this blog, but I don't know how do something in this page. It's my first blog.
My name is Constanza Santander. I'm 19 years old and I live in Santiago (Chile) with my family and my little "poodle" dogs. I'm studying nursing in University of Chile.
I hope with this blog learning how I working with web-pages and get better fluency to write in english, and finally in a couple of years can writing some publication on a journal, a formal text or a educational little text about first aids or health prevention to ordinary people.